Friday, May 25, 2012

Bustling, noisy Yahoo employees Praise Axis in App Store

The end of this week Yahoo launched a service-based add-on called Axis. In addition to attendance at the desktop, the application can also be maximized for IOS users, such as iPad or iPhone.

On the App Store, good or applications usually determined by the number of stars that are listed and comments written by users who have tested the application.

So also with Yahoo Axis, so far the recommendations in Apple's online application store that has reached 891 reviews with star ratings 4.5. For new applications, Yahoo Axis get pretty good reception.

When traced from written comments that there was nothing strange, there are even some that give a compliment of services that combines a search engine and browser.

But wait, there are some irregularities encountered by The Next Web site technology. According to the site, some comments were derived from the name of the account which is a key employee at Yahoo.

Some of them,

Yahoo's Network Operations Center Engineer, Brian Koch: "Right on, Great Review" and Yahoo's Director, Product Management Batraski Ethan: "Someone thinks it's an awesome browser! Wait, that's".

And there may be some names that are not revealed. Whether this is part of Yahoo's strategy? Given Yahoo Axis are now facing the problem as a gap in Chrome and make a slow connection from the browser Internet Explorer 9.

by :

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